Grown-Up Play Dates

{Project: Play-Dough}

It was 6:45 on Saturday morning when I heard the pitter patter of little feet coming down the hall. I dared not open my eyes in hopes that those small feet would climb into bed with me to cuddle and buy me few more minutes of sleep (or, maybe bring me a coffee) but really who was I kidding? It's one thing to be awake at 6:45, it's another to hear these dreadful words come out of Lucas’s mouth: “Lucas make cookies?” 

What?! Are you kidding me?!

Honestly, I love being in the kitchen with my child, but not at 6:45am on Saturday. Lucas was relentless. Lucky for him, his mama can whip up a mean batch of play-dough, even before that first cup of coffee kicks in. 

Play-dough is one of those timelessly classic concoctions that allows for endless learning possibilities. Almost everyone knows the smell (or taste) when you pop open a nice fresh can of Play-doh. With that in mind, I decided to make this batch of play-dough extra special and seasonal by adding pumpkin spice to it. It was a fun twist on regular dough and the first of many scented doughs to come. Our sense of smell helps form memories. By making scented play-dough, I am hoping to provide Lucas with special memories for years to come!  

Of course, since Lucas is a toddler, play-dough also called for a fun experiment with taste! Lucky for Lucas, homemade playdough is 100% edible so explore away!  The funny thing is, he tasted each ingredient as it was added but had no interest in eating it once it was all mixed together or cooked. 

Another great thing about play-dough is it is fun all by itself. No need for fancy play-dough tools. While we were making it I was thinking of all of the kitchen gadgets we could use with it. We ended up using two potato mashers and two plastic spiders left over from Halloween.

Amazingly, this project kept Lucas occupied for over an hour! He doesn’t even play with his beloved trains or trucks for that long of a stint! Play-dough is open ended so the possibilities are endless. Follow your child's lead and make anything he can imagine! We made everything from hot dogs to birthday candles to a basketball hoop. 

Extra LuCk
Check your spice cabinet for new and exciting scents. You can also use liquids like vanilla extract or even coffee! If you are feeling extra adventurous, you can add glitter too!

Want our secret recipe? We like to share!  Click here to download the guide!

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