Grown-Up Play Dates

Creative Spaces {Lucas Land}

We have this great three seasons porch at our house that has never served a specific purpose. In the summer, it turns into a storage room for the overflow of Lucas's toys. In the winter, we put the Christmas tree out there to keep it away from curious hands and climbing toddlers. I was actually working on unpacking the spare bedroom upstairs when I had a brainstorm/moment of insanity. I have always wanted an art room, aka a space where I could be creative and not have to worry about the mess or being in the way. Now that I have Lucas, it was the perfect excuse to have a creative space in the house. 

Here is how we turned our not-so-purposeful room,  into an affordable, fun, creative, purposeful creative space!

I found an old, beat up desk on the side of the road a few months ago and it was a great place to get started. It is a little big for Lucas now, but it worked well for storing supplies. In time, Lucas will grow into it.

We have most of the art supplies stored in plastic drawers and a 4 sided art cart. I love that the supplies are all accessible to Lucas. It was a big risk to take, but he is very good at asking for help to take out the paint and I love the independence and responsibility it teaches him.  
We are currently using an old toy box by the window as his table. I love that he can lookout and be inspired by the great outdoors (and maybe a truck or two driving by) We were using an old TV stand, but that has been re-purposed as a seed sprouting station. My little guy is becoming quite the gardener this year and the art room is a perfect place to make a mess with dirt and a great sunny spot to grow!

For those less messy days, I have set up a flannel board corner for Lucas to be creative in. He loves retelling the stories with me, as well as making up his own. Creating them is a great creative outlet for me!
We have a child sized easel, but the funny thing is, we have yet to use it now that the art room is set up. Lucas can usually be found at the station by the window or he loves to unroll the kraft paper and get to work on the floor. 
I love that the art room is inviting to everyone in the family, even if that means coming home to a naked child, covered in paint from head to toe. Since putting the art room together, I have noticed Lucas is more inspired to create both at home and at school. Hopefully some ideas have inspired you too!

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