Grown-Up Play Dates

Music Together {Part 1: Hello Everybody}

We all know that music is a very important part of brain development. I could go on about how music has a huge impact on the developing brain, and synapses, and cognition, and blah, blah, blah. But, at the end of the day, the main idea is that  music is good for you; it's good for your brain, it's good for your soul, it's good for your body.

With that said, one of the major areas of development I feel like I am slacking in is exposing Lucas to music. Don't get me wrong, we listen to the radio in the car, we sing some silly songs at home,and he had some music in pre-school. But, in his three years of life, he has never begged to go to an actual music class. That is, until we tried Music Together!

We have tried musical experiences at several local libraries, at the children's museum, at children's concerts, at festivals, and birthday parties. But he always was one to run around and not pay attention to it. So instead of continually exposing him to music, I kind of gave up and focused on his other interests. Yes, my inner teacher knows that you are meant to broaden your child's horizons, nevertheless, it's what happened.

So when the opportunity came up to visit Music Together I decided to go for it. Ally had been taking Chuck for about a year, and raved about the program. She'd say things like, "I don't know how they do it, but Chuck actually puts the toys away when they sing a magical clean-up song", and "Chuck just loves Music Together!" Now that Lucas is a little bit older, I thought it was time to give music another chance!

I was overjoyed that from the very first song, he just sat down and started singing. It was amazing. I never knew he had this in him!

Yes, from the very. first. song.

I don't know how they do it. The room is a little chaotic. Some of the moms know each other, some have taken a class before, some (like myself) knew no one. The second the teacher started singing Hello Everybody, my son was entranced. If they were serving Kool-Aid, he definitely drank every last drop. And he loved it, and wanted more.

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