Grown-Up Play Dates

Music Together Part 2 {So Glad To See You}

Making a six week commitment to anything with a toddler is, well ... a commitment. I've always been a little hesitant to sign Lucas up for a for anything that lasted longer than half an hour. But, over the next six weeks the magic didn't end!

Music Together brought new and exciting experiences for Lucas and me too! One of the fundamental beliefs of Music Together is its a "shared music experience." We signed up for a mixed age class, and although Lucas was one of the older kids in the class, he still learned a thing or two from the younger participants. I'm pretty sure some of those babies had fun watching and learning from my son as well! 

This shared music experience also means that any adult can accompany your child to class. Lucas's dad brought him a couple of times as well and loved sharing this experience with his son (in fact, he may or may not have rearranged his work schedule a few times to be able to make it to class!) We loved their "whole family" policy, and loved watching all the different care-givers accompany their loved ones to class.

Each week, I grew to love Music Together a little bit more. I drank the Kool-Aid right along with my son! As a preschool teacher, too often I see people telling children to "do as I do", but not providing examples. "Stop running", "Be quiet", "Stop yelling", the list of possible "do as I do" examples could go on and on and on in a Music Together class. As an educator,what I grew to appreciate most about the class is their core belief of not telling the children to "do as I do", but instead lead by example. It is important for kids to do things in their own time. If they see everyone in class having fun then they will want to join right in and have that much fun too!

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