Grown-Up Play Dates

Project {Pool Noodle Boats}

We had a blast making these Pool Noodle Boats at last week's Play Date with Fairfield County Moms Blog! This project is a great way to upcycle those pool noodles that have maybe seen a bit too much love this summer.  

Water play is a great way to keep everyone cool as the temperature rise.  These boats only take a few minutes to make, but will keep everyone happily splashing around on a hot summer's day!

Pool Noodles cut into one inch pieces 
Foam Sheets
Hole Punch

Find an adult to  cut your pool noodle into once inch thick pieces.  We used a regular kitchen knife (pool noodles cut surprisingly easy!)

Use the point of the knife to make a small hole on the top of the pool noodle (this will be where you insert your straw)

Cut the foam sheets into triangles about three inches tall

Cut the straws about three inches tall

Decorate the sail with the foam stickers

Thread the straw through the sail and insert the straw into the hole you created in the pool noodle.

Place your boat into the water!


Have fun!