Grown-Up Play Dates

About Lucas & Chuck

Lucas + Chuck = LuCk

Lucas is the son of Karen.  

Charlotte, aka Charley, aka Chuck is the daughter of Ally

Karen and Ally have a combined total of over 20 years of working in Education.  

Karen has been working in the Early Childhood field for over 10 years and holds degrees in Early Childhood Education and Human Development and Family Studies. She is also a ninja in the kitchen. Get this lady near some bananas and a jar of peanut butter and she'll create things you didn't even know were possible.

Ally has been working in independent schools in Fairfield County for over 10 years.  She holds degrees in Communication, Education, and Educational Technology and Instructional Design.  She is also secretly crafty.  Give this girl a bottle of Mod Podge and a glue gun and she'll redecorate your kitchen.

Karen and Ally love to play. They love to see their children messy, giggling, and covered in fun (except for glitter, that's where they draw the line). They consider themselves lucky to be mothers.

And that's how we came up with LuCk (little bit Lucas, little bit Chuck). So, come play with us! Cause playing alone just isn't as much fun ❤