While the weather is still nice enough to be outside, we decided to take Lucas and Chuck on a Nature Walk and continue to explore our senses.
You may have noticed that your child has a natural inclination to fill containers with objects (this may explain why you ran around your house looking for your phone, only to find it buried in a pot, in one of your kitchen cabinets).
Work with this skill! Bring a canvas tote, or some sort of container, with you to gather small objects.
Since its Autumn, on this walk we focused on collecting all things Fall! There are so many natural objects with distinct textures to point out to your child:
- The veins in a leaf
- The smoothness of an acorn
- The crinkly sound of the forest floor beneath little feet
Collect it all! As your child places objects in their container, notice these things with them!
Nature Walks are what we like to call an "unstructured/structured" activity. Our only plan was to walk around and enjoy nature. If your kid wants to collect a million twigs while skipping through a meadow-that's fine! If you have the most amazing time watching a daddy-longlegs crawl out of a tree stump-enjoy that moment! Chuck had a great time peeking around trees saying "I see you!" Lucas spotted the moon rising in the sky, pointed and said "moon!" And, when they both found a pile of dirt, all bets were off!
LuCk Tip:
A simple Nature Walk presents all kinds of wonderful opportunities to describe what you see to your child. Showing your kid real objects will help them devlop their constantly growing vocuabulary. It may feel a bit akward to you, but keep asking your child questions and describing what you see around you.
Don't know what to say? Check our our Nature Walk Guide here!

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