Grown-Up Play Dates

{Guest Post} How To Host a Pie Party?

Love parties?
Love pie?
Then hop on over to Fairfield County Moms Blog and get all the details on how to host your own Pie Party!

{Guest Post} Halloween + Easy = Halloweasy

I LOVE Halloween. I LOVE Parties. I LOVE Crafting. You would think that all of these things would come together to create an epically awesome Halloween feast. However, I am but a mortal. Check out my latest post on Fairfield County Moms Blog for super easy recipe ideas! 

Guest Blogger {Out and About Mom}

Check out my recent post on Out & About Mom!
We loved our summer adventures to Weir Farm!

Project {Pool Noodle Boats}

We had a blast making these Pool Noodle Boats at last week's Play Date with Fairfield County Moms Blog! This project is a great way to upcycle those pool noodles that have maybe seen a bit too much love this summer.  

Water play is a great way to keep everyone cool as the temperature rise.  These boats only take a few minutes to make, but will keep everyone happily splashing around on a hot summer's day!

Pool Noodles cut into one inch pieces 
Foam Sheets
Hole Punch

Find an adult to  cut your pool noodle into once inch thick pieces.  We used a regular kitchen knife (pool noodles cut surprisingly easy!)

Use the point of the knife to make a small hole on the top of the pool noodle (this will be where you insert your straw)

Cut the foam sheets into triangles about three inches tall

Cut the straws about three inches tall

Decorate the sail with the foam stickers

Thread the straw through the sail and insert the straw into the hole you created in the pool noodle.

Place your boat into the water!


Have fun!

Guest Post {Simple Summer Fun}

Life is just better in flip flops isn't it?  Check out Fairfield County Moms Blog to see what we are up to this summer! 

{Simple Summer Fun}

It’s SUMMER! Here’s a few of our favorite activities to make your summer living easy!
Project {Summer Finger Painting} Activity {Backyard Movie Theater} Project {Bathtub Fingerpaint} Project {Brushless Painting} Activity {Take a Hike} Project {Flower Crowns} Project {Patriotic Potatoes} Recipe {Strawberry Yogurt Ice Pops} Project {Coffee Filter Butterflies} Recipe {Carrot Top Pops}

Guest Post {Five Simple Rules to Planning a Kid Party}

There is an art to throwing a successful toddler party, and it has very little to do with Pinterest. 
Rule 1 {Keep Them Happy}
A party is a celebration of your son or daughter. As such, the main idea here is to keep everyone happy. This should be your mantra.

Check out the full post on Fairfield County Moms Blog to read the full post!

LuCk Dough Round-Up!

It's no secret that we LOVE Play-Dough!  
Here are some of our favorite things to do with this marvelous concoction!
Spice Dough
Elf Dough
Cornstarch Dough
Snow Dough
Play-Dough Invitation to Play
Coffee Dirt Dough

LuCk Play-Dough Secret Recipe

In a large pot mix together:

2 1/2 cups water
4 tablespoons oil
Food Coloring (optional)

Then add:

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar

Cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly until the dough begins to pull away from the sides and form a ball.

Dump onto a cutting board until cool enough to play with. We spread ours out to cool faster. It only took 2 bowls of cheerios and a banana, or about 10 minutes if you are using a clock.

Store in an airtight container when not in use.

{Guest Post}

Some ladies have book clubs, some ladies lunch, my group of ladies make.  At least once a season, we try to get together for a “Make n’ Mingle” 

Check out the full post on Fairfield County Moms Blog to find out how we made these delicious homemade Cadbury Eggs from scratch!

Valentine + Easy = {Valentineasy}

I just made 15 of these for Chuck's preschool class in about 10 minutes.  They are ridiculously easy.  All you need is a paper plate and a pair of scissors.  You can use just about anything to decorate them --glitter, paint, crayons, markers. . . Or, if you want to keep it super simple, just download our clipart below! 

{Guest Post}

"The typical winter weekend night at my house is hardly a party. We are usually snuggled up on the sofa, staring at some kind of screen . . Indoor camping is the perfect cure for a bad case of cabin fever. Unplug from everything and let your kids imaginations cut loose!

Check out the full post on Fairfield County Moms Blog to find out how we transformed our living room into the great outdoors! 

2015 Valentines + Easy = {Valentineasy}

Well, its a new year and time for some new Valentines!  Yet again, we challenged ourselves to create something without using Pinterest to get our creative juicing flowing!  And, yet again, most of what we made can be created using non-Valentinesy things (craft sticks, felt, pom-poms), which is perfect for last minute Valentines!  Over the next few days we'll show you what we came up with! 

Popsicle Stick Puzzles 

These were so easy to make! Use our download to create this puzzle, or draw something of your own.  No matter what you do, this candy-free Valentine's treat is perfect for just about anyone you needs a hug. 

LuCk at {Fairfield County Moms Blog}

For the next few months, we’ll be guest blogging over at Fairfield County Moms Blog about all things party, play, crafts, and cooking related.  You can see the first right here...and check back each month for a new idea!